Monthly Giving


Sign up to give a recurring donation to Daily Planet Health Services!

We know not everyone is able to make a large annual contribution to the organizations they care about. By making a recurring donation, you can make a huge impact in supporting our mission to provide accessible, comprehensive, and integrated quality health services to anyone regardless of their housing, financial or insurance status.

Here is how to sign up:

  1. Visit our donation pages for the Annual Fund and/or the Capital Campaign.
  2. Select the donation amount (or however much you would like to donate each period).
  3. Set the Type of Donation to “Recurring.”
  4. Select the donation frequency, e.g., “Monthly.”
  5. Fill in your contact and payment information.
  6. Submit the form!

Your recurring donation can help support the many services and programs Daily Planet Health Services has to offer.

To cancel your recurring donation please send an email to (please allow up to 72 hours for cancellation).